Category Archives: R.J. Foord

Flight Engineer Eric Jenner and Mid-upper gunner R.J. Foord

Don McAmmond had high praise for Flight Engineer Eric Jenner.

Your dad was probably the best flight engineer on the squadron…


It so happened that the very first raid that we were on was also the most terrifying (actually) – The Jerrys threw everything at us – Flak, ME 109s, we were combed by searchlight (thanks to Bob & your Dad) we managed to escape scarecrows – everything – We had been hit several times, thanks again to your Dad, we arrived back at base safely…


You asked what your Dad was like on raids (missions is an Americanism not generally used by R.A.F. or R.C.A.F.). Eric was a calming effect on the rest of the crew. He was probably scared spitless like the rest of us but he didn’t show it. Although I have seen him sweating under hazardous conditions and doing his job well.

The two gunners & your Dad were the “old men” of the crew. They were at or near thirtyish. The other 4 were just kids & I was the youngest.

Peter: You can be proud of your Dad’s experience. Take it from me who knew him the best, your Dad was a man! There are a number of stories to tell but it would take too much time to tell it all.

Here are some pictures taken at the Azores in June 1945. The crew is coming home to Canada.
Azores 1945-1

Eric Jenner and R.J. Foord are seen with locals (the man on the right is unknown).

Azores 1945-2

Flight Engineer Eric Jenner on the right. Others are unknown.

Azores 1945-3

On the left is R.J. Foord – mid upper gunner. Next to him is an unknown airman, probably one of the crew. Eric Jenner is second from the right.

Next time…

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